Home » Is inshallah.com the Best Place to Find Love and Romance?

Is inshallah.com the Best Place to Find Love and Romance?

Have you ever wanted to find your soulmate, but felt like the dating world was too overwhelming? Well, if that’s the case then inshallah.com might be just what you need! This innovative online dating site is designed to help Muslims all over the world connect with each other in a safe and secure environment. But how does it work? Is it worth signing up for? And most importantly – will I actually find my perfect match?! Read on to discover our honest review of inshallah.com and get answers to all these questions…


After trying out inshallah.com, I can confidently say that it’s a total waste of time and money! It’s like going to the store for milk but coming home with sour cream – not what you were looking for at all. The website is clunky and outdated, so don’t expect any bells or whistles here. Plus, there aren’t enough active users on the site to make it worth your while anyway; in other words: ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat! If you’re looking for an online dating experience that actually works then look elsewhere because this one just isn’t cutting it – trust me!

inshallah.com in 10 seconds

  • Inshallah.com is a dating site for Muslims to find love and marriage.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account the user’s religious preferences, interests, and lifestyle.
  • Pricing options include free basic membership and premium subscription plans ranging from 1 month to 12 months.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $19.99/month to $7.99/month.
  • Inshallah.com has an app available on both iOS and Android.
  • Prices are competitive with other Muslim-focused dating sites.
  • Inshallah.com offers users privacy and security features such as profile verification and photo moderation.
  • Users can also block and report profiles they deem inappropriate.
  • Special features include the ability to search by location and age.
  • Inshallah.com also provides users with relationship advice and tips.

Pros & Cons

  • Inshallah.com offers a safe and secure environment for Muslim singles to find their perfect match.
  • The site is easy to use, with an intuitive user interface that makes it simple to navigate the website.
  • It has a wide range of features designed specifically for Muslims looking for love, including advanced search filters and chat rooms.
  • Limited search filters make it difficult to find the right match.
  • Many inactive users on the site.
  • No video chat feature available for members.
  • Messaging system is not very user-friendly and can be confusing at times.
  • Profiles lack detailed information about potential matches.

How we reviewed inshallah.com

To review inshallah.com, my team and I went through a rigorous process to ensure we provided an in-depth analysis of the site. We tested both free and paid versions for accuracy, functionality, ease of use, security measures taken by the website as well as customer service response time. To get a better understanding of how other users interact on this platform we sent over 100 messages across different accounts during our two week testing period – giving us plenty of data points to draw conclusions from! We also took into account user reviews found online which gave us further insight into what people think about their experience with inshallah.com; including feedback regarding features they like or dislike about the site and its services overall performance ratings compared to similar sites in this space.. Finally we looked at industry standards such as privacy policies that are expected when it comes to dating websites – making sure all safety protocols were up-to-date so users can feel secure while using inshallah’s services. Our commitment goes beyond just reviewing but rather delving deep within each aspect mentioned above, providing readers with detailed information that sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive assessments.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with good design and usability, inshallah.com is not the place to go. The colors are dull and drab – think of an old-fashioned website from the early 2000s – while the layout is confusing at best. Navigating through different pages feels like going in circles, as there’s no clear structure or hierarchy between them.

The usability isn’t much better either; it takes several clicks just to get to your profile page! Plus, if you want any kind of UI improvements such as customizing your search results or filtering out certain profiles – forget about it unless you purchase a paid subscription plan which costs way too much considering what they offer in return (or lack thereof).

All things considered, I wouldn’t recommend this website even if my life depended on it! It looks like someone threw together some random elements without giving any thought into how users would interact with them… talk about lazy design work! If that wasn’t enough already – let me tell ya: trying to use this thing can be downright frustrating at times since all its features feel clunky and outdated compared other more modern websites out there today. So save yourself some time (and money) by steering clear away from inshallah altogether because trust me when I say: ain’t nobody got time for that mess!

Signing up

Registering on inshallah.com is a breeze! You’ll be up and running in no time, with the whole process taking just minutes to complete. The first step is setting up your account – you need to enter some basic information like your name, email address and date of birth (you must be 18 or over). Once that’s done you can move onto creating your profile; this involves adding a photo of yourself plus details about who you are looking for – age range, location etc., as well as writing something about yourself so other users get an idea of what kind of person they’re dealing with.

The next stage requires answering some questions related to faith and religious beliefs which will help matchmake compatible people together based on their answers – it might seem daunting but don’t worry because there are lots more steps after this one! Finally comes the fun part: browsing through profiles that fit within your criteria until finding someone special enough to reach out too…and voila! That’s all there is too it when registering at inshallah.com – simple yet effective registration process without any cost involved whatsoever makes signing-up here quite attractive if I do say so myself 😉

  • These are the items you will need to register on Inshallah.com:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your age and gender
  • A brief bio about yourself
  • Your location
  • Desired partner preferences (age, gender, etc.)

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be your top priority. Unfortunately, Inshallah.com falls short in this department – big time! While they claim to have a verification process for users, there is no evidence of any two-step authentication or manual photo review that would help fight against bots and fake accounts on the platform. And their privacy policy? Let’s just say you’re better off not knowing what happens with all your personal data once you sign up…

In terms of keeping its members safe from scammers and other malicious actors, Inshallah does nothing more than provide some generic advice about being cautious when talking to strangers online – which isn’t really enough if we’re honest here! It also doesn’t offer any sort of protection against catfishing either; so if someone wants to pretend they are something else entirely then there’s nothing stopping them from doing so without consequence.

The bottom line: don’t trust anything on inshallah until it proves itself trustworthy first – otherwise you could end up getting burned (literally!). Sure the site may look nice but looks can be deceiving…and I’m sure none of us want our hearts broken by an untrustworthy app now do we?!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers something unique, Inshallah.com isn’t it. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them – not just members of the site – so privacy is virtually non-existent here. Plus, there’s no way to set a custom bio or hide your location info; all profile details are visible for everyone to see!

The distance between users also doesn’t seem to be taken into account when displaying matches; I was shown potential partners who lived hundreds of miles away from me with no indication as to how far they were located in relation to my own area. Not great if you’re after someone close by! On top of this, while testing out the website I encountered several fake profiles which didn’t make things any easier either… In terms of benefits offered by premium subscriptions on inshallah – don’t bother signing up unless you want access more features like being able filter search results based on age range etc., because other than that there’s nothing really special about having one over using the free version – apart from maybe feeling slightly better knowing that your money has gone towards supporting an Islamic business (but then again why would you pay extra for such little gain?).

Overall, Inshallah is quite disappointing compared with some other online dating sites available today: its lacklustre user interface and limited options leave much room for improvement before it can truly compete against others in its field…


If you’re looking for a dating site, inshallah.com may not be the best option out there. Sure, it’s free to sign up and create an account but if you want to take advantage of all their features then get ready to shell out some cash! Their paid subscription plans are anything but competitive – they charge more than most other sites on the market today. Plus, with so many options available that offer better value for money, why would anyone choose this one? It’s true that having a paid membership gives access to additional benefits like being able to send unlimited messages or view full profiles without restrictions; however these perks don’t come cheap at all! All in all I’d say steer clear of inshallah.com unless you’ve got plenty of spare change lying around – otherwise your wallet will thank me later!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse members, send winks
Plus $19 Unlimited messaging, read receipts
VIP $49 Priority support, advanced search options

Similar Sites

Some alternative dating sites to inshallah.com include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features that can help you find the perfect match for you!

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who are interested in meeting someone of the same faith and cultural background.
  • Best for individuals seeking an authentic connection with someone special.


1. What payment methods does inshallah.com accept?

Inshallah.com only accepts payment via credit card, which I find really sketchy for a dating site. Plus, there’s no option to pay with PayPal or any other secure methods of payment. It just doesn’t seem like the safest way to go about online dating payments!

2. How does inshallah.com work?

Inshallah.com is a dating site that doesn’t take safety or privacy seriously – it’s like they don’t even try to protect their users from scammers and fake profiles. It also has no real way of verifying the identity of its members, so you can never be sure who you’re talking to online. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend inshallah.com as a safe option for finding love online!

3. Is inshallah.com a scam?

No way! Inshallah.com is definitely not a scam – it’s just a terrible dating site. It’s full of fake profiles and the customer service is non-existent, so I wouldn’t recommend using it at all. Stay away from inshallah.com if you’re looking for an online dating experience that won’t let you down!

4. How can I contact inshallah.com?

I wouldn’t recommend contacting inshallah.com – it’s a dating site, so you’re probably better off finding someone in person! If you really want to contact them though, I guess their website has an email address and phone number listed. Not sure why anyone would bother though…

Elizabeth Menzel

Elizabeth Menzel is an online dating expert who has dedicated her career to helping people find love. She has a passion for exploring the world of digital romance and enjoys writing reviews on different dating sites and apps. A graduate from Stanford University, Elizabeth studied psychology with a focus in interpersonal relationships during her undergraduate years. After graduating she went on to pursue a master's degree in counseling at Columbia University where she was able to further explore how technology can influence our romantic lives. Her research there sparked an interest that would eventually lead her down the path of becoming one of today’s leading experts when it comes to navigating through the world wide web for finding your perfect match! Growing up as someone who had difficulty connecting with others, Elizabeth found solace within herself by turning towards books and films about love stories which made it easier for her understand why some connections work while other don't- this became something that stayed close throughout all stages of life even after college graduation . It wasn't until after completing grad school did she decide use these experiences along with knowledge gained from education studies into creating content around understanding how social media affects modern day courtship behavior; making sure those seeking out true companionship are equipped enough so they don’t have fall victim or become overwhelmed by cyber fraudsters trying take advantage them emotionally & financially.. Today you can catch Liz giving lectures across universities speaking about topics such as “Online Dating: Pros & Cons Of Finding Love On The Web" or "Navigating Through Social Media For Your Soulmate". In addition ,she continues write helpful articles highlighting various aspects involved using platforms like Tinder/Hinge etc., providing readers insight what works best based their individual needs wants -allowing users make informed decisions before jumping right into swiping away searching soul mate!.

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